Choosing a school for your son or daughter can be an overwhelming experience. During this time of exploration, you not only learn about the many different educational options in the area but you also learn a great deal about your child and your family.
Answering questions from the long range, "Will a Montessori pre-school set my child up for a challenging STEM curriculum in Middle School?" to the short range, "How do I get my child to school in rush hour traffic at 8:15 am and is lunch provided?" can become a daunting task without the objective guidance of an educational consultant. We help you navigate the daily logistics and the longterm effects of school choice.
Many of our parents come to us for insight into how their child's learning strengths and needs and how that will affect the type of school placement they choose or how to work with faculty and administration on setting your child up for success.
Independent School Options will provide that guidance by developing a comfortable and positive relationship with your child and family while sorting through the different education options available. Our established and positive relationships with school admissions staff make the communication process even easier.

The School Options Service is for parents who have already started considering school options for their child and are looking for guidance on possible schools. We begin by meeting with the student and their parents to discuss their school criteria such as location, academic/arts/athletic preferences, and other important criteria. We review the student's academic records, testing, background information, talents, and interests and develop a school list from all of the previous information. ​
The Advisory Service is complete with the final parent meeting to review the list of schools and answer any questions. If the parents feel they need more support once the service is complete, they may upgrade to the Full Consultation Service or use the Hourly Service option.
The School Placement Service is for families who are either at the beginning of their school search or are in a school situation that requires immediate attention and assistance. This includes a student who needs to change schools or families who are relocating to the DC Metro area.
We help coordinate the admissions process which includes​ monitoring deadlines, proofreading essays and preparing students for interviews. We handle the supplemental materials and submit the transcript, testing and teacher recommendations to schools, but the family is responsible for the actual application. We also connect with the admissions team and other professionals on your child's behalf.
During the admissions season, we are available to answer questions that arise and maintain an ongoing relationship with parents, students and schools.
The Immediate Placement Service is for students who require intervention and possible therapeutic assistance with school or program placement within 60 days or less. Many times this will include a two-step process from one immediate placement and then a second, potentially permanent placement in a school or program.
The student and parents will meet with the consultant (separately or together) to discuss all of the aspects involved when pursuing a successful school/program placement for the student. After careful review of the student’s academic records, testing, teacher evaluations and other relevant information, the parents will be given a list of potential schools and programs that match their child’s needs.